
Twee Keer Kijken

Foam is proud to present the long-term educational project Twee Keer Kijken. In this teaching program Foam aims to bring two different generations together through photography. Come and see in the Lichthof space this winter.

About Twee Keer Kijken

In this teaching program, meaning "to look twice" in Dutch, the encounter between young and older generations together with photography is central. The project aims to give third and fourth year students from the VMBO Care & Welfare track a practical introduction to elder care.

During nine lessons, five of which are contact moments, students and elders will work on interview and photography assignments. By photographing together each week, the students and the seniors get to know each other better while learning more about street and portrait photography during workshops.

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Twee Keer Kijken © Foam, photo by Almicheal Fraay
Twee Keer Kijken still

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Twee Keer Kijken is made possible by the generous support of EgeriaDO.

Foam is supported by the VriendenLoterij, Foam Members, the VandenEnde Foundation and the City of Amsterdam.

Twee Keer Kijken still

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Twee Keer Kijken