Foam @Playground: afternoon workshops
Looking closely at your surroundings can generate new inspiration, allowing you to discover for example how fascinating particular angles and shapes can be. Armed with various photographic concepts you will explore the Playground in search of new perspectives.

ATTENTION: thanks to the great popularity of Playground Workshops, the 13 and 20 December sessions are now fully booked. 

Foam organizes photography workshops on location at the Photography Playground. Come and discover your own photographic talent. The theme 'Night & Day' has everything to do with on-site art installations: zoom in on the possibilities of abstract compositions in colour, form and light and capture them with your camera. Prior to the workshop, you will get a brief tour over the playground given by a workshop instructor of Foam and more information on the Olympus OM-D camera. Afterwards you will get to work on a specific photography assignment, guided by the instructor, and ultimately the best results will be evaluated.

Participation in the workshop is free and offered to you by Olympus. Upon entry you will get a camera on loan. Minimum age is 18 years.

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Foam @Playground: afternoon workshops