Foam Magazine 61 Talent Image Paintings, Dreams and Love © Yushi Li

#61: Talent

The 20 fascinating artists selected for our 2022 edition of Foam Magazine’s Talent Issue look closely at both the world around us, and the one within — without shying away from discomfort or pain. Rather, they use the photographic medium to respond to, digest and navigate a world that continues to present new challenges and problematic structures.

Climate change, political conflict, discrimination, displacement, and social justice issues: the works address the pressing problems of our times and remind us that photography has the capability to capture the unspeakable. This year, the submission numbers — which have steadily increased each year — reached a record high of 1938 submissions from 85 different countries. We are proud to present a selection that offers as much food for thought as beauty and innovation for the medium.

#61: Talent

The 20 fascinating artists selected for our 2022 edition of Foam Magazine’s Talent Issue look closely at both the world around us, and the one within — without shying away from discomfort or pain. Rather, they use the photographic medium to respond to, digest and navigate a world that continues to present new challenges and problematic structures.

Climate change, political conflict, discrimination, displacement, and social justice issues: the works address the pressing problems of our times and remind us that photography has the capability to capture the unspeakable. This year, the submission numbers — which have steadily increased each year — reached a record high of 1938 submissions from 85 different countries. We are proud to present a selection that offers as much food for thought as beauty and innovation for the medium.

Foam Magazine 61 Talent Image Paintings, Dreams and Love © Yushi Li
Spread text left pink right bold text
Spread image with people turning back to camera and emojis
Spread group of girls walking through jungle
Spread text left photograph right
Pink background left brown right picture of magazine left


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issue #61: Talent

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