
The Camera as a Weapon

What is the role of photography in times of conflict? In response to current events, this pop-up exhibition aims to raise question and stimulate discussion by showcasing works from 6 artists and serves as a reflection on the different roles that imagery plays during conflict.

About the exhibition

The works from six artists in The Camera as a Weapon differ widely from the perspectives they take to the conflicts they discuss, but every one of them illustrates the impactful role of the camera in times of conflict. The exhibition examines examples such as the first time that videos shot by civilians shaped the world's view of a conflict, to reconstructing timelines of important events throughout conflicts.

The works illustrate how the lens has made it possible to shed light on conflicts from different viewpoints, allowing the everyday citizen to speak up. On the other hand, in a time where technological developments are making it increasingly difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is not, it is important to ask the questions about the value we attach to - and the purpose of all the imagery - that circulate on our social networks.

Approach Position Cropped, 2022 © Forensic Architecture and Al-Haq.

Exhibiting artists

Rahib Mroué (Lebanon, 1967)

Equipe Media (Activist group established in 2009, Western Sahara)

Sakir Khader (The Netherlands, 1990)

Forensic Architecture (London, Research agency established in 2010)

Émeric Lhuisset (France, 1983)

Negin Ahmadi (Iran, 1989)

Join the symposium

Foam Dialogue: Photography & Conflict

Regarding the pain of others

Between Death and Destruction, Mosul (Iraq), 2019 © Sakir Khader

As part of Foam Dialogue: Photography & Conflict the museum organizes a symposium to expand on the pop-up exhibition The Camera as a Weapon, taking the instrumental book Regarding the Pain of Others by Susan Sontag as a starting point for a reflective and critical exploration of the role of photography in depicting and shaping public understanding of war, violence, and human suffering

The pop-up exhibition is part of the long-term program Foam Dialogue: Photography and Conflict which was developed in response to current events. The programme aims to serve as a pivotal guide for a research initiative that Foam is committed to over the next few years, focusing on the theme of photography and conflict. This commitment will extend beyond the dialogues of the symposium, influencing upcoming exhibitions and various artistic expressions within the overarching theme. Through this sustained engagement, Foam seeks to not only address the intersection between visual storytelling, media dynamics, and the impact of technologies, but also commits to an ongoing search for authentic perspectives. 

A Night in the Mountains, Salah ad Din (Iraq), 2019

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The Camera as a Weapon