
Opening Mous Lamrabat and Magnum photographers

Come and celebrate the opening of two new exhibitions at Foam: Blessings from Mousganistan by Mous Lamrabat and Open for Business - Magnum Photographers on Commission. The exhibitions will be opened on 27 May in the presence of the artists Mous Lamrabat and Magnum Photographer Newsha Tavakolian. Join us from 17.30 until 21.00 hrs for this festive opening with free entrance, drinks and music.

Mous Lamrabat
Blessings from Mousganistan

Beauty and a sense of hope are central to Lamrabat’s work. His work is exhilarating and at times a confronting fusion of his diasporic life, using beauty and humour to create powerful new narratives related to sensitive issues like racism, religion and women’s rights. In Blessings from Mousganistan, the artist shares a message of love through a colourful and eclectic visual experience.

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Mashallah with extra cheese, 2021 © Mous Lamrabat.

Open for Business

Magnum Photographers on Commission

For over 75 years, the photographers of Magnum Photos have not only created photographic icons on both major events and hidden stories but have simultaneously worked on commission. The exhibition Open for Business - Magnum Photographers on Commission shows a side of Magnum that the general public is hardly aware of, and with which its photographers rarely promote themselves. In eight chapters, the audience is taken on a variety of commercial assignments: from carte blanche group assignments for governments to the hippest fashion photography; and from chic publications for major industries to reporting in the service of NGOs.

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Gucci makeup fashion shoot, Brooklyn, New York City, USA, 2019 © Bruce Gilden / Magnum Photos.

Opening at MAQAM on 28 May 2022

On 28 May, Mous Lamrabat will personally open the additional chapter of the exhibition Blessings from Mousganistan at creative space MAQAM in Amsterdam-West. In this special exhibition, the artist invites viewers to be playful and to look at the images differently. Lamrabat has superimposed his photographs in lenticular prints or printed them on skateboards which visitors are invited to use.

Join us from 12.00 until 15.00 hrs with music, drinks and free kebab.

register online for MAQAM
Opening MAQAM © MAQAM. Photo Marleen van Veen

Mous Lamrabat - Blessings from Mousganistan is made possible with support from Mondriaan Fonds, Loft Art Gallery and Kleurgamma Fine-Art Photolab. Blessings from Mousganistan was made possible in collaboration with Loft Art Gallery in Casablanca.

Open for Business - Magnum Photographers on Commission has been developed in collaboration with Magnum Photos Paris and the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation. It is curated by Anne-Marie Beckmann, Director Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, and Mirjam Kooiman, curator of Foam.

Foam is supported by de VriendenLoterij, Foam Members, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, the VandenEnde Foundation and the City of Amsterdam.

Ana love you more than my life, 2021 C Mous Lamrabat

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Opening Mous Lamrabat and Magnum photographers