Museumnacht Amsterdam 2023
Visit Foam during Museumnacht Amsterdam and discover how photography can enrich your world. Join a historical tour of A Play of Light and Shadow by Ara Güler or a lifecasting workshop by Esmay Wagemans inspired by Sleeping Beauty by Carlijn Jacobs. Let the artists of Meervaart Studio surprise you with a flash performance or make your own portrait in our Polaroid photo studio.
Join us with your Museumnacht Amsterdam ticket on 4 November from 19.30 - 00.00 hrs.
'Umwelt' can be described as how an organism experiences the world. Even though we all inhabit the same planet, each species experiences it very differently. While some animals can fully experience certain senses, humans have a hard time grasping their full scope. For example, the average dog's sense of smell is far superior than a human's. Our perception is often quite limited – we have never experienced the full capacity. We’re set in our own umwelt and accept reality as it's presented to us.
How can we expand our experiences, to evolve our awareness of being human? Foam's programme during Museumnacht Amsterdam 2023 will pose this question. We will stimulate, guide, and amplify umwelt through the following activities.
Set sail on a voyage through Istanbul's enchanting past and let the city's history unveil its timeless beauty. Join us on a tour through the mesmerizing waters of the exhibition A Play of Light and Shadow guided by Erden and Ismet who were invited by the exhibition’s co-curator Ahmet Polat to share their historical perspective. Both guides grew up in Istanbul and personally experienced many of the things Ara Güler captured in his work. Get ready to dive deeper into the heart of this remarkable city with “those who drank the water of the fountains, and breathed the air of the city”.
Time: 19.30 – 20.00 hrs (English) en 20.15 – 20.45 hrs (Turkish)
Foam invites Esmay Wagemans to give a workshop where you’ll get to make your own lifecasted face piece, made from unusual materials. Inspired by the escapism theme of the exhibition Sleeping Beauty by Carlijn Jacobs, discover your own fantasy world and transform this into a sculpture you get to take home.
Time: 19.30 - 23.30 hrs
Will you join one of the flash acts at Foam? During the night, the artists of Meervaart Dance and Theatre Lab will start singing, dancing or reciting a spoken word when you least expect it. Inspired by the photography in the museum, the artists will wander the halls looking for visitors to join them on their journey.
Time: 19.30 - 00.00 hrs
What is the role of photography when life can be artificially generated? This Museum Night at Foam, Polaroid’s portrait studio featuring Harriet Browse and @fake_is_real______ explores the blurring boundaries between analog and A.I.
Time: 19.30 - 00.00 hrs
Museumnacht Amsterdam 2023