
Forgotten stories and histories through a feminine lens

Join artist Raquel van Haver and journalist and art critic Sarah van Binsbergen as they share their unique perspectives on Tina Modotti's current exhibition Artist and Activist. As part of the Modern Perspectives series, the two will delve into the intersections between Modotti's artistry and activism, and explore how her work relates to van Haver's creative practice.

Men reading “El Machete.”, c. 1927, photo by Tina Modotti / Colección y Archivo de Fundación Televisa, Ciudad de México.
Canana, sickle and guitar, 1927, photo by Tina Modotti / Colección y Archivo de Fundación Televisa, Ciudad de México.
Man with log, 1928, photo by Tina Modotti / Colección y Archivo de Fundación Televisa, Ciudad de México.

About Raquel van Haver

Born in Bogota, Colombia, Raquel van Haver (1989) now lives and works in Amsterdam. Van Haver graduated from the HKU University of the Arts in Utrecht, in 2012. Solo exhibitions include Spirits of the Soil at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Van Haver’s work has also been exhibited at the Dordrechts Museum, Netherlands; Lagos Photo Festival, Nigeria and BOZAR Centre for Fine Art, Belgium. Winning the prestigious Dutch Royal Prize for Painting in 2018, van Haver has gone on to win the Amsterdam Award in 2019. In 2020 she presented her new project Amo a la Reina - a solo presentation within the group show Say It Loud at the Bonnefanten Museum in Maastricht. She also exhibited works from the series at Breda Photo in Breda and at Museo Bolivariano in Colombia. A documentary made by Bibi Fadlalla was broadcast on Dutch television in 2020, called The Women of My Country.

About Sarah van Binsbergen

Sarah van Binsbergen (1987) is a freelance art critic and journalist. She writes for the Dutch newspaper 'de Volkskrant' about exhibitions, artists and the art world. She has also been published in magazines such as Boekman, Metropolis M and De Witte Raaf. van Binsbergen studied cultural anthropology in Amsterdam and London. She approaches art from a perspective that examines its reflection, reversal, and questioning of social developments based on her background.

About Artist and Activist by Tina Modotti

Tina Modotti is an iconic figure in the world of photography, known for her unique blend of artistry and activism. The exhibition Artist and Activist displays revolutionary photos made by Modotti in the short span of time that she dedicated to photography, ranging from politically charged photos to touching portraits of her contemporaries.

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Woman of Tehuantepec (carrying jicalpextle), 1929, photo by Tina Modotti / Courtesy Throckmorton Fine Art, New York.

This exhibition is organized by Fundación MAPFRE in collaboration with Foam. Afterwards, it will travel to Jeu de Paume in Paris where the exhibition can be visited from 13 February until June 11th 2024.

This exhibition is made possible by the generous support of the Blockbusterfonds.

colorful mixed media collage artwork

explore connections

Forgotten stories and histories through a feminine lens