Foam Fan+ workshop 2017
Especially for Foam Fan+ members, Foam organises two photography workshops in November based on the exhibition <a href="/museum/programme/andre-kertesz">Andr&eacute; Kert&eacute;sz</a> &ndash; <a href="/museum/programme/andre-kertesz">Mirroring Life</a>.

The American artist André Kertész is famous for his unusual compositions and creative way to show reality. His work shows lines and forms, shadows and light, searching for a balance between what you see and what you feel. The subjects he chooses are diverse while he approaches his work with the principle: ‘What I feel, I do.’ The base though, lies in black/white street photography.

During this workshop you will work with street photography in a conceptual and artistic way. The workshop starts with an interactive tour through the exhibition André Kertész – Mirroring Life. By discussing the subjects with the group, you will discover his process and choices. You will use the inspiration from the exhibition for the workshop that follows.

You will be asked to specifically look for compositions in black and white. Use the urban city centre of Amsterdam as an inspiration to catch shapes, lines, shadows and coincidences, just like Kertész did. Subsequently you will do the same, but the focus will be on colours. The museum teacher will challenge you to not only capture shapes and lines, but make colour a part of the composition.

The workshop will end with a discussion of each other’s results in order to learn from one other and begin to recognise personal styles. All results will be sent to you digitally.

(Please note: you can sign up for one of the two dates. The workshop is in Dutch)
Workshop 1: Friday 10 November 2017 from 3pm - 6pm
Workshop 2: Sunday 19 November 2017 from 1pm - 4pm

This workshop is free for Foam Fan+ members. It is possible to bring one guest. This person pays the regular rate of € 50,-.

Foam provides Olympus OM-D cameras for this workshop. Of course, you are free to use your own camera if you prefer. In that case, remember to bring a fully charged battery, an empty SD card and a transfer cable. The use of your own materials is at your own risk.

Foam is supported by the BankGiroLoterij, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Delta Lloyd, City of Amsterdam, Olympus and VandenEnde Foundation.

explore connections

Foam Fan+ workshop 2017