Foam Beta _ Body Language
On 22 June Foam will launch a new community for thinkers and creators: Foam Beta

Foam Beta serves an evening full of content with interactive installations, less-awkward networking, music and drinks afterwards. This event brings young photographers and university students together, to discuss each other's work, scientific breakthroughs and their passions.

Where Photography Meets_ The new community for Thinkers and Creators

22 June will be all about Body Language:
Are you studying sociology, psychology or researching body language?
Do you have a fascination for how we humans (un)consciously present ourselves?
And would you like to present your research in a visual way?


Are you a young photographer? Studying or recently graduated? Are you looking for boundary breaking sources of inspiration. And maybe new partners to collaborate with?

© Foam Lab

In-depth Dialogue _ by Body Language expert Denise DeChamps
Mini-workshop Voguing _ by Gavin Viano Fabri
Body Booth _ a body language photobooth
Vogue Battle _ surrounded by the work of Helmut Newton
Drinks _ at Foam Editions
Artist talk _ and more.

There’s a limited amount of tickets for sale, so make sure to get yours quick!

Foam Beta is an initiative of Foam Lab.

Foam Lab is part of the programme: ‘Leerwerkplekken’ and is made possible in collaboration with Cultuur+Ondernemen and with co-financing by the Sectorplan Cultuur. 

Foam is supported by the BankGiro Loterij, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, City of Amsterdam, Delta Lloyd, Olympus and the VandenEnde Foundation.

explore connections

Foam Beta _ Body Language