
Film night:

The Infinite Race (2020)

In collaboration with Movies that Matter, join us on Saturday 27 January for a special screening of The Infinite Race (2020) by filmmaker Bernardo Ruiz, accompanying the exhibition Artist and Activist by Tina Modotti. The movie showcases the Mexican indigenous Rarámuri people who are fighting to preserve tradition in a post-modern world, highlighting indigenous voices in the exhibition from a modern perspective.

About The Infinite Race

They are called ‘those who run fast’: Mexico’s Rarámuri people are able to run incredibly long distances on end. But nowadays, ‘you have to run away before they kill you’. Threatened by drug cartels operating in their region, is it too dangerous for the famous Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon? 

‘We Tarahumara are born with a gift,’ says Silvino Cubesare, one of the world’s greatest ‘ultra marathon’ runners. This form of long-distance running over extremely difficult terrain is practised in the region of Mexico where the Tarahumara – also known as the Rarámuri – live. Based on the Rarámuri’s tradition of running, which has a ceremonial aspect to it, the ultra marathons were invented by an American who wanted to see American and Rarámuri runners compete. A book about the races became a US bestseller, and now every year the region is flooded with Americans wanting to participate. 

But this year, the race is threatened by the activities of drug cartels. The tensions this creates make a lot of deeply rooted problems come to light. The Americans are concerned for their safety, but many of the Rarámuri hope to earn some race money to alleviate their poverty. And the ones who should really fear for their safety, are the local activists and journalists who expose the abuses of the cartels.

Duration: 70 minutes

Indigenous Rarámuri (Tarahumara) leader, activist, and teacher Irma Chávez

About Movies that Matter

Movies that Matter wants to broaden views for human rights. Their core tasks are the screening of human rights related films and the stimulation of screenings of human-rights films. They realise these core tasks with the annual Movies that Matter festival, their educational work, the organisation of events, with advice inland and abroad and the support of festivals worldwide.

About Artist and Activist by Tina Modotti

Tina Modotti is an iconic figure in the world of photography, known for her unique blend of artistry and activism. The exhibition Artist and Activist displays revolutionary photos made by Modotti in the short span of time that she dedicated to photography, ranging from politically charged photos to touching portraits of her contemporaries.

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Woman of Tehuantepec (carrying jicalpextle), 1929, photo by Tina Modotti / Courtesy Throckmorton Fine Art, New York.

This exhibition is organized by Fundación MAPFRE in collaboration with Foam. Afterwards, it will travel to Jeu de Paume in Paris where the exhibition can be visited from 13 February until June 11th 2024.

This exhibition is made possible by the generous support of the Blockbusterfonds.

two people running in a rural setting

explore connections

Film night:

The Infinite Race (2020)