Club Foam visits Unseen
We would like to invite you to visit international photography fair Unseen on Friday, September 18th at 7.30 pm.

From 18 to 20 September 2015 Foam is organising the fourth edition of photography fair and festival Unseen in collaboration with Platform A (Office for innovative cultural entrepreneurship) and Vandejong (branding agency).

Club Foam is meeting for drinks at Unseen, a platform for young talent, with galleries from home and abroad and an extensive fringe program. The last three editions of Unseen were a great success and this year promises to be so again. More than fifty international galleries will be showing work by young talent and new work of established photographers.

Foam curators give an explanation on the fair during this event.  Early September, in preparation for Unseen, members of Club Foam will follow a masterclass collecting photography, where they learn where to pay attention to if you want to buy a work.

You can sign up by sending an e-mail to Not a member of Club Foam yet? Join here!

Location: Unseen, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam

Unseen was founded by Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam, office for cultural business development Platform A, and Vandejong Creative Agency.

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Club Foam visits Unseen