
Team & organisation

Meet the team behind the organisation of Foam. The offices are located directly above the museum. From here, in the heart of Amsterdam, we organise all our activities.

Meet the team

  • Management

      Karin van Gilst managing director

      Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Rialto Film. Vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board of Museum Het Rembrandthuis. Member of the Supervisory Board of the Boekman Foundation, knowledge centre for cultural policy. Mentor IMC Weekendschool Foundation, Opportunities for Young People. Member of the Board of Culture Fund Noord-Holland. Member of the Board of Foam Friends.

    • Supervisory Board

      *the Supervisory Board receives no compensation

        Jeroen van Ingen Chairman

        Interim Manager Business Operations at Royal Theatre Carré. Member of the Supervisory Board of Amsterdam Dance Event.

        Frédérique Demenint-van der Ven Vice President

        Partner Risk Advisory at Deloitte Nederland.

        Shivan Shazad

        Manager diversity & inclusion Rijksmuseum. Audience member Filmhuis Bussum and Advisory Board, Faculty of Humanities, UvA.

        Lotte van Zuijlen

        Advisor Arts, Culture and Media at Berenschot. Board member at Het Makersfonds of Het Huis Utrecht until September 2023.

        Auke van den Hout

        Partner Graduate Entrepreneur and partner Nimbus Ventures. Board member Stichting Outset.

      • Photography

          Mirjam Kooiman Head of Artistic Programming
          Zippora Elders Senior Advisor Strategy and Programme a.i.
          Claartje van Dijk Curator
          Aya Musa Curator
          Nordin Janssen Coordinator exhibitions
          Marie Goto Assistant Curator
      • Public Practice & Education

          Harriët Mbonjani Head of Public Practice and Education
          Winke Wiegersma Curator of Digital Programmes
          Osasu Aghafua Curator Public Practice
          Olav van den Brekel Coordinator Education
          Daphne Wageman Planner Education
          Oskar van der Werff Project Coordinator
      • Foam Magazine

          Katy Hundertmark Managing Editor
          Henri Badaröh Editor
      • Marketing, Communication & Sales

          Irene Bakker Head of Marketing, Communications and sales
          Laurel Harple Digital Marketeer
          Raissa Velano de Sant'ana Campaign manager
          Jens van de Meulenhof Sales Marketing Manager
          Ottalie Westerink PR Manager
          Lotte Klösters Manager Foam Editions and Bookshop
      • Development & Partnerships

          Stefanie Hofman Head of Development and Partnerships
          Marije van Wijngaarden Development and Memberships
          Matthijs van der Laan Events and Partnerships
          Eva Schravesande Development and Fundraising
        • Finance & Operations

            Halil Pakel Head of finance and operations
            Meywand Ahrari Financial Administration
            Ingmar Bruin Facilities Manager
        • Office Management

            Nathalie Bollegraaf PA management and office management
            Philippa Edwards Office Management
        • Foam Café

          Two people from the back in front of photographs by Liz Johnson Artur at the opening at Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam

          Join our dynamic & creative team

          Interested in working at Foam? Check out our current vacancies and internships.

          Foam objectives (as described in our statutes)

          To contribute to the development of photography by presenting, collecting, and stimulating education and research in both a national and international context.

          Artist fees

          Foam is proud to collaborate with many inspiring artists working in photography. In addition to giving image-makers a platform, we also actively nurture photography talent through various talent programmes and photography awards. We believe that being transparent about our artist fees is an intrinsic part of this.

          The rates below are based on the kunstenaarshonorarium and are re-evaluated yearly. We (partially) cover other costs in consultation with the artist, such as travel, production, transport and installation.

          Some examples of the fees we offer include:

          • Foam Paul Huf Award winner – €20.000

          • Florentine Riem Vis Grant - €10.000

          • Jury fee - €300

          • Jury chair - €500

          • Solo exhibition (new work) – €1000 - €4000

          • Solo exhibition (existing work or adjustments) – €500 - €2000

          • Group exhibition (new work) – €800 - €900

          • Group exhibition (existing work or adjustments) – €400 - €650

          • Feature in Foam Magazine - €300 - €500

          • Speaker in a public programme – €250

          • Appearance in podcast/video - €750

          • Instagram take-over/video for social media - €150

          • Museum teacher year 1 and 2 - €40 per hour

          • Museum teacher year 3 and onwards - €45 per hour

          • Photographer/teacher - €50 per hour

          • Teacher in a masterclass - €350 per hour

          Remuneration policy

          Members of the board do not receive payments or reimbursements. The salary of the management is determined annually by the board. For staff, individual employment contracts are drawn up in accordance with industry standards.

          Abridged versions of past annual activity and policy plans

          download .pdf


          Balance sheet of 2021: the current state of income and expenses

          download .pdf

          Annual financial report Stichting Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam 2022 (in Dutch)

          All accounts have been audited by Baker Tilly Berk.

          ANBI publication requirement 2022

          download .pdf


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          Team & Organisation